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MWTS PP tube - Preconfigured microwave based process sensor for dry content measurement in aqueous environments:


The compact and robust microwave probe can be used for dry content measurements in greenhouse gas plants, in water treatment, in fermentation processes and in other biotechnological environments. It covers an interaction volume up to 10 cm³. MWTS PP tube contains a radiation field applicator with penetration depths up to 5 cm in aqueous materials.

MWTS PP tube can be operated either at predefined CW frequencies or like a narrow band spectroscope. From spectroscopical measurements additional information about material under test can be derived for special applications.

Customer specific material calibrations allow accurate and reproducible measurements.

MWTS PP tube is a smart microwave probe with integrated microcontroller. For simple applications it can be used in standalone mode. For more difficult measuring problems and for spectroscopical measurements the combination with the control unit MOIST CONTROL is necessary. MWTS PP tube is competely pre-configured for mounting at tubes > 100. MWTS PP tube was developped in cooperation by hf sensor and IBA Institut für Bioprozess- und Analysenmesstechnik Heiligenstadt.

Fields of application:

  • biogas plants
  • fermentation processes
  • waste water treatment
  • investigation of sedimentation
  • other applications of biotechnology
  • other applications on request (customer specific adaption and calibration)

data sheet MWTS PP tube (350 KByte)

Applications - Biogas

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